Exclusive interview with ambassador of Belgium - For Kitabistan Kitabistan thoroughly researches the experiences of[...] Read more
Kitabistan and Nordic embassies organize Nordic Talks - Ahead of COP29 Ahead of COP29 in Baku, Kitabistan and Nordic embassies[...] Read more
The co-founder of Kitabistan delivered a speech in Brussels - Kitabistan in Brussels Malak Hajiyeva, the co-founder of Kitabistan delivered a speech[...] Read more
Exclusive Interview with ambassador of Germany - VIDEO - For Kitabistan Kitabistan studies the practices of developed nations[...] Read more
Exclusive Interview with Prof. Diana Pearce - VIDEO - For Gender Kitabistan In 2008, the UN launched the "UNITE to End Violence[...] Read more
Exclusive Interview with ambassador of France - VIDEO - For Kitabistan Kitabistan continues to study the experiences of the[...] Read more
Exclusive Interview with ambassador of Finland - VIDEO - For Kitabistan Kitabistan started its research on the Nordic model[...] Read more
Exclusive Interview with ambassador of Denmark - VIDEO - For Kitabistan The main characteristic of Denmark is reliability.[...] Read more
Exclusive interview with ambassador of Sweden - VIDEO - For Kitabistan Sweden is one of the countries studied by Kitabistan.[...] Read more
Director of The Orwell Foundation - Exclusive interview to Kitabistan Kitabistan does not consider that its Enlightenment[...] Read more
Interview with professor at Harvard University - Exclusive to Kitabistan Kitabistan is an imaginary country where the key values[...] Read more
Interview with the president of the Goethe Institute - Exclusive to Kitabistan Kitabistan is our imaginary country (translation: Kitabistan means country[...] Read more
Interview of Ambassador of Finland - Special interview for Kitabistan This year, Azerbaijan and Finland celebrate the 30th[...] Read more
"Bəyaz zanbaqlar ölkəsi"ndən qonağımız var - "KITABISTAN TALKS" Bu il Finlandiya yenə dünyanın ən xoşbəxt ölkələri sırasında birinci oldu. Bu xoşbəxt[...] Read more
Yeni layihə - "KITABISTAN TALKS" - Yeni layihəyə start veririk Bizim istəyimiz budur ki, dünyanın inkişaf etmiş ölkələrinin elm adamları[...] Read more
Swiss professors' conference in Baku - "KITABISTAN TALKS" Switzerland is one of the wealthiest countries in the world, and it has earned this thanks to its scientific[...] Read more